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Kingdom Speak《國度語彙》

Kingdom Speak《國度語彙》
Kingdom Speak《國度語彙》


英文名稱 Kingdom Speak
作者 Jo Ann Yau 及 Qiu Sheng Lung
譯者 -
語言 簡體中文
出版商 環球聖經公會
第一版 2019-04
最新一版 2019-04(第1次印刷)
頁數 170
書籍系列 聖經釋讀系列
條碼 9789888279708
國際標準圖書編號 (ISBN) 978-988-8279-70-8
備註 *以上定價僅供參考,確實售價以書室及批發報價為準。
  • Stock: 有存貨
  • Model: BS1116
產品瀏覽次數: 11306

Introductory Notes
Transliteration Systems and Pronunciation
Abbreviations and Symbols Used in this Book

Part I - Word Lists

Common Christian Vocabulary and Bible Words
Books of the Bible
Names of God
People in the Bible
Places in the Bible

Part II - Useful Phrases and Prayers

Blessings and Common Expressions
The Apostles' Creed
Prayer Phrases
1. Grace before a meal
2. General prayers of thanks
3. For students
4. For work
5. For parents
6. For people facing difficulties
7. For people who are sick
8. For the elderly
9. For those who are mourning
10. For Christian workers
11. Prayers during Christian services / fellowship meetings
12. Prayer of decision
13. The Lord's Prayer


Kingdom Speak is a reference book intended to help Christian learners of Mandarin or Cantonese to bridge the gap between mainstream Chinese language resources and their desire to learn Christian words and phrases quickly, make reference to the Bible in Chinese, and pray for others at a very early stage in their Chinese language learning.

The book is easy to use whether or not learners can read Chinese characters, as the phonetic representation of each character is provided for both Mandarin and Cantonese. The alphabetical listings make it easy to find specific vocabulary items and Bible words. With sections providing the most useful and important expressions, prayer phrases and complete, easy-to-memorise prayers on a variety of relevant topics, users can very quickly begin to engage in faith-related conversations, share Christ, participate in Christian worship and pray for others in Chinese.

本書針對正在學習中文( 國語或廣東話) 的非華語基督徒,幫助他們與華人傾談與信仰有關的話題,分享信仰,參與崇拜、團契或聚會,並以中文為他人禱告。 


  • 按照依英文字母顺序排列丶與基督教相關的條目,輕易找到特定英文詞匯的對應中文用詞或說法;
  • 藉着参考「漢語拼音」和「耶鲁式廣州話拼音」的發音指南,不論讀者是否看得懂中文字,都能輕鬆地讀出中文詞句;
  • 使用聖經書卷簡寫列表來快速識别中文聖經段落;
  • 祝福他人,並以中文與他人談論信仰;
  • 在各種情况下——從祟拜到一對一的面談——用中文撰寫禱文;
  • 即使讀者仍處於學習中文的早期階段,也可以在各種情况下為他人祈禱;
  • 在互聯網受限制的地區,擁有寶貴的中文基督教資源。

Jo Ann Yau is a Canadian who has lived in Asia (Hong Kong, Mainland China and Thailand) for more than 25 years. She has written or co-written some 150 Secondary English textbooks, workbooks and reading anthologies for Longman Hong Kong and Pearson Education Asia. She has taught English at Baptist University’s School of Continuing Education and worked as a writer and researcher for TVB Pearl’s Educational Programming division. She holds a BA in English and an MA in Children’s Literature. Jo Ann has a keen interest in Asian languages and is an avid learner of Mandarin, Cantonese and Thai. She is married to Qiu Sheng Lung and together they have been in full-time Christian ministry since 2003.

  • 加拿大人,曾居香港丶中国大陸丶泰國等地達25年之久
  • 曾為「朗文」及「培生香港」撰寫/合寫過百本中學英語教材
  • 曾於香港浸會大學持續教育學院教授英語課程,並擔任香港無綫電視明珠台教育電視部的作家及研究员
  • 持有英语學士學位及兒童文學碩士學位
  • 熱心學習普通语丶廣東話,及泰語
  • 配偶為本書另一作者邱生龍;二人自2003年起,一同参與全職基督教事工。
Qiu Sheng Lung was born in Hong Kong to Shanghainese parents. For more than 20 years, he pursued a career in management, consulting and corporate training for multinational companies in Canada, Hong Kong and Shanghai. In 2003, he sensed God’s call into full-time ministry and has since served among marginalised people groups in Thailand and Myanmar, and with Christian Action in Qinghai, China. Since returning to Hong Kong in 2014, he has been the Executive Director of Hope of the City, an NGO serving the underprivileged in Hong Kong’s poorest neighbourhoods. He holds a BA in Economics, an MSc in Training and is currently pursuing a Master of Religious Education from Asia Biblical Theological Seminary.
  • 出生於香港的上海人家庭
  • 持有經濟學學士學位及培訓碩士學位,目前正修讀亞洲聖經神學院(Asia Biblical Theological Seminary)宗教教育碩士學位
  • 20多年来,一直致力於為加拿大丶香港和上海的跨國公司提供管理丶諮詢和企業培訓。
  • 2003年,他蒙召全職服侍,此後一直於泰國和緬甸服務邊緣人群,以及参與基督教勵行會於中國青海的服侍。自2014年回到香港後,一直擔任Hope of City的執行董事,該非政府組織致力服務香港最貧困社區的弱勢群體。


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